Job completed for Golden View Apartments

Completion date: November 1, 2023

Location: Sharonville, OH

Why did the customer contact us?

Golden View Apartments contacted Teasdale Fenton after a fire broke out in one of the apartments and affected the entire apartment complex including 5 units and common areas & hallways.

Solutions provided:

Teasdale Fenton Restoration provided Fire Damage Restoration, Emergency services, 1-800- Boardup service to secure the property as well as board up doors, and windows and tarped the roof. We then proceeded with our demo team and then rebuilt the apartment complex from the ground up!

Photos & Videos:

1-800-Boardup truck
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1-800-Boardup truck
Roof Fire
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Roof Fire
Teasdale Fenton truck
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Teasdale Fenton truck
Reconstruction process
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Reconstruction process
Debris on Stairs
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Debris on Stairs